Hi, I’m Ivanska
Brand Designer

I’m a Brand Designer & Web Designer currently living in Connecticut. I specialize in working with small business owners in giving you the tools to attract & convert your clients using design.

If you’re starting out your business, graphic design can be one of the daunting but fun parts of business. But without experience and time to learn, you need to quickly get your offering out there so people can get to know you.

Check out my services

Your Guide to all things graphic design

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Branding is the core of my design philosophy.


7+ years of experience designing everything a business needs.


Over 300+ websites designed. I’ve specialized in Web from design to built.


Manage 3+ social media & blogs for own brands.


Lead Designer & Co-owner
Bee Hexa Branding LLC

Branding is the core of my design philosophy.

Lead Designer & Co-owner
Bee Hexa Branding LLC

Branding is the core of my design philosophy.

Lead Designer & Co-owner
Bee Hexa Branding LLC

Branding is the core of my design philosophy.


Digital Graphic Design
Atlantic University College 2015

Branding is the core of my design philosophy.

Webflow Masterclass
Flux Academy 2020

Branding is the core of my design philosophy.

Web Design Professional
Flux Academy 2022

Branding is the core of my design philosophy.


Download my resumé

Learn through my YouTube

That’s why I’m here, get your logo designed, website design all with one person that gets to know your brand in and out befire getting to design so that your design can be cohesive and on point.
You can focus on selling, I’ll focus on your brand design & marketing.

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